Week 2: Jungle Poem

Week 2 Jungle Theme Idea came from this blog site:

Jungle Adventure
by Katrina Lybbert

Creeping through the jungle, one hot summer day,
I saw a lot of animals pass by my way.
(Tiptoe around the room and pretend to look through binoculars.)

Monkeys swinging from vine to vine, (pretend to swing on vines)
Parrots fluttering in colorful design, (pretend to fly like a parrot)
Tigers, lions, and elephants too, (stomp around the room)
A tall giraffe like I saw at the zoo. (reach way up high)

Creeping through the jungle, one hot summer day,
I saw a lot of animals pass by my way.
(Tiptoe around the room and pretend to look through binoculars.)

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