Home school Pre-school Program Ages (2-4)
Our Learning Time:
Week 6: Monday
1. Go over Calendar
The month is April
Sing Days of the Week Song
The Day of the week is MONDAY
Look at Calendar, find date, find # to match date, put sticker on Calendar
2. Weekly Theme (Fun Fact, Sign Language, and Spanish) RABBITS
3. Vocab Word: WHISKERS
4. Read Poem of the week:
I Have a Little Bunny Rabbit
by Katrina Lybbert
I have a little bunny rabbit,
Hop, hop, hop!
With whiskers so long and fine,
Hop, hop, hop!
My bunny has two tall ears,
reaching up to the sky;
And a furry little tail,
I saw with mine own eye.
What a precious little bunny rabbit,
Hop, hop, hop!
(This poem can be acted out.)
5. Sing Song of the week: LITTLE BUNNY FOO FOO
6. Go over Letter, Number, Shape/Color
Gross Motor Skills: Bunny Hop (you tube): Hopping around like a bunny
Gross Motor Skills: Bunny Hop (you tube): Hopping around like a bunny
10. Rabbit themed Printable Coloring Page
11. Number Activity Printable Coloring Page
12. Shape/Color Activity Shape Printable Coloring Page
13. Watch Video with letter of week, number and shape/color: STORY BOTS
14. Watch Video with Theme: Rabbit video on You tube
15. Read Book of the day
16. Count to 10 and sing ABC song
17. Nursery Rhyme: Jack Be Nimble
18. Observation Book