Friday, March 13, 2015

Mommy Tot School Week One: Day 4 Lesson Plans

Home school Pre-school Program Ages (2-4)

Our Learning Time:


1.       Go over Calendar,
The month is MARCH

Sing Days of the Week Song
The Day of the week is THURSDAY
Look at Calendar, find date, find # to match date, put sticker on Calendar

2.        Weekly Theme (Fun Fact, Sign Language and Spanish) Cow
3.       Vocab Word: Calf

4.       Read Poem of the week: Little Calf

5.       Sing Song of the week The Cow
6.       Go over Letter, Number, Shape/Color

7.       Introduce New Number: 1

8.       Do New Number Activity (exploring for shape/color) Explore around the house finding "1" of things (1 block, 1 car, 1 crayon ect)

9.       Letter Activity (Playdough)

11.   Shape/Color Activity (Playdough)

12.   Watch Video with Shape/color, Letter, and number

13.   Watch Video about weekly theme

14.   Read Book of the day

15.   Count to 10 and sing ABC song

16.   Observation Book

Here are pics of the kiddos working on their Playdough Mats (Lilah chose brown.. not the prettiest!!)
You can get these awesome printables at!/Tree-Play-Dough-Mats-Counting-to-10/p/39176394

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