Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mommy Tot School Week Two: Day 4 Lesson Plans

Home school Pre-school Program Ages (2-4)

Our Learning Time:

Week Two: Thursday

1.     Go over Calendar
The month is MARCH
Sing Days of the Week Song
The Day of the week is THURSDAY
Look at Calendar, find date, find # to match date, put sticker on Calendar

2.     Introduce Weekly Theme: Jungle 

3.     Introduce Vocab Word: Vines: are plants with long, thin bendable stems; they grow along the ground or climb up trees, etc.

4.     Read Poem of the weekJungle Adventure

5.     Sing Song of the week : Deep in the Jungle (youtube song)

6.     Go over Letter, Number, Shape/Color

7. Introduce NEW Number of the Week: 2

8. Do new Number Activity (exploring for items of 2)

8.     Color Picture of Number of the Week

9.    Add Stickers to Counting Book

10.     Number Activity: Play dough Mat

11.   Letter Activity: Make Letter out of Play dough

12.    Shape/Color Activity: Make Shape out of Play dough

13.    Watch Video with weekly theme: Jungle (youtube video)

14.   Watch Videos of Letter, Number and Shape/Color of the week

15.     Read Book of the day
View List

16.    Count to 10 and sing ABC song

Idea for this Home school Lesson plan came from:

Template for Play-dough Mats found on Life Over C's

17.  Observation Book

Jungle Image found on Google Image Search

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